"This is a superb book. Deceptively small, yet packs a wallop. The emphasis on principles instead of practice is welcome....The text is clear, concise, and surprisingly approachable for what could have been a very dense and dry discussion. I could not put this book down and read it entirely in one sitting. When was the last time anyone found a hematology textbook so riveting?"
Lange Medical Books: Pathophysiology of Blood Disorders by Howard Franklin Bunn, Jon C. Aster Overview
A concise full-color review of the mechanisms of blood diseases and disorders – based on a
Harvard Medical School hematology course4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW!
"This is a superb book. Deceptively small, yet packs a wallop. The emphasis on principles instead of practice is welcome....The text is clear, concise, and surprisingly approachable for what could have been a very dense and dry discussion. I could not put this book down and read it entirely in one sitting. When was the last time anyone found a hematology textbook so riveting?"--Doody's Review Service
Hematological Pathophysiology is a well-illustrated, easy-to-absorb introduction to the physiological principles underlying the regulation and function of blood cells and hemostasis, as well as the pathophysiologic mechanisms responsible for the development of blood disorders. Featuring a strong emphasis on key principles, the book covers diagnosis and management primarily within a framework of pathogenesis.
Authored by world-renowned clinician/educators at Harvard Medical School, Hematological Pathophysiology features content and organization based on a hematology course offered to second year students at that school. The book is logically divided into four sections: Anemias and Disorders of the Red Blood Cell, Disorders of Hemostasis and Thrombosis, Disorders of Leukocytes, and Transfusion Medicine; it opens with an important overview of blood and hematopoietic tissues.
Harvard Medical School hematology course4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW!
"This is a superb book. Deceptively small, yet packs a wallop. The emphasis on principles instead of practice is welcome....The text is clear, concise, and surprisingly approachable for what could have been a very dense and dry discussion. I could not put this book down and read it entirely in one sitting. When was the last time anyone found a hematology textbook so riveting?"--Doody's Review Service
Hematological Pathophysiology is a well-illustrated, easy-to-absorb introduction to the physiological principles underlying the regulation and function of blood cells and hemostasis, as well as the pathophysiologic mechanisms responsible for the development of blood disorders. Featuring a strong emphasis on key principles, the book covers diagnosis and management primarily within a framework of pathogenesis.
Authored by world-renowned clinician/educators at Harvard Medical School, Hematological Pathophysiology features content and organization based on a hematology course offered to second year students at that school. The book is logically divided into four sections: Anemias and Disorders of the Red Blood Cell, Disorders of Hemostasis and Thrombosis, Disorders of Leukocytes, and Transfusion Medicine; it opens with an important overview of blood and hematopoietic tissues.
- Succinct, to-the-point coverage that reflects current medical education
- More than 200 full-color photographs and renderings of disease mechanisms and blood diseases
- Each chapter includes learning objectives and self-assessment questions
- Numerous tables and diagrams encapsulate important information
- Incorporates the feedback of 180 Harvard medical students who reviewed the first draft -- so you know you’re studying the most relevant material possible
Lange Medical Books: Pathophysiology of Blood Disorders by Howard Franklin Bunn, Jon C. Aster Review
This is the first edition of the book, closely modeled after the Hem/Onc syllabus at Harvard Medical School. The authors have done a phenomenal job for a first edition. The book is small, nicely organized, the writing is excellent, and it makes for easy reading (sufficient detail, not overwhelming but not glossing over important points either). My guess is this is one of those books you read once and remember the content years later. We've used it for our Hem/Onc class, and my classmates and I were very impressed. Hem/Onc is no joke, and could easily get out of hand. This book was instrumental in my solid understanding of the foundations.
My only complaint would be against some of the pictures (not the pathology pics, but the illustrations of concepts). Some of the illustrations aren't very intuitive, and the labeling isn't sufficient. Moreover, all images can use more elaboration, rather that just saying "refer to text".
My only complaint would be against some of the pictures (not the pathology pics, but the illustrations of concepts). Some of the illustrations aren't very intuitive, and the labeling isn't sufficient. Moreover, all images can use more elaboration, rather that just saying "refer to text".
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